Monday, October 25, 2010

Charcoal Canister Part 2

A continuation of the last post on rehabilitating the P1800E charcoal canister (click here for first post)
     After priming I decided to try some Bondo Spot and Glazing Putty to even out the top surface and mask my poor smoothing and sanding of the Epoxy used to fill the holes. The putty sanded  easily; it took a few coats to feather the surface up to the highs created by the epoxy. I hope it sticks to the primer! 

Here is the top painted with NAPA high temp flat black paint (it's what I had on hand....) The top although not perfect looks much better.
The bottom obviously still has issues, but hopefully the POR will stop further rusting.  Now all I have to do is find a filter to fit in the bottom.
All finished with the bracket at the base, when installed, the bracket sits closer to the middle of the cylinder. Again, not perfect, but much better! It should work once I find/make a filter for the bottom, and oh, yea, get the engine out of the car and fixed...put back in.... etc. etc...

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