After cleaning
I cleaned it up using a brass brush on a Dremel tool followed by Mothers Mag Polish. The base was cleaned up and painted with black POR-15. It could use more polishing, but at this point I'm not sure if it works, more on that below..

I assume this is the original part.... but, it does have a VW logo and part number (311 906 051 B), in-addition to the Bosch part number (0 280 100 001). I tested it to see if it would hold a vacuum, it did, but only for about 30 seconds. I'm still reading up on how the part works, but it does seem that there is supposed to be a epoxy plug on the adjustment screw (not sure if this is to seal the unit or just keep the adjustment screw in place). Some epoxy (amber colored, lower right in photo above) seems to remain at the base of the screw housing, also the screw was covered with a blob of black putty which I'm sure was not air tight... not sure if that was original. So more testing and reading is needed on this part...
Edit: Got an email from Brad Anders who points out that "The 001 MPS is for the Type 3 VW's (e.g. Squarebacks)" Other responses suggest that this part was likely replaced and would not have appeared on a P1800. Thanks for all the responses! I guess this is one more thing to deal with when the car gets closer to being done, which is still a fews years off....
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