Just finished (well, for now) the valve cover. Here are some before and after shots.. click for larger versions
Here it is after cleaning in Simple Green. Below are some close ups; I have read people's posts on the P1800 list serve regarding the flaking yellow so I thought I would get some good pictures of it up here. (8/6/10: I was able to confirm that the yellow is some kind of varnish, some of it remained on the back of the labels that were removed and it remained flexible, the fact that it was under the label suggests that it was original)
Two coats of POR-15 gray... I'm going to leave it like this for awhile, after the engine goes back in and things are adjusted etc. I will re-sand and coat it with a silver paint to get closer to the original finish, or better yet, just get it zinc plated... The POR is very tough and should be able to handle being taken on and off to adjust valves, and all the other things that will happen as the car goes back together.